P.B.S.–10 PAPER :1
1 Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches, maps and diagrams wherever necessary. These shall be drawn in the space provided for answering the question itself.
2 There are EIGHT questions divided into two Sections. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, TWO are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated against it.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum- Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
Q1. Answer the following in150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50 marks
Explain magnetic anomaly. How it has formed a strong evidence in support of sea floor spreading?
Give an account of the bottom topography of Indian ocean.
Explain the relationship of rainfall distribution with the pressure belts and prevailing wind system.
Discuss the impact of texture and structure of soil over its properties.
e.Highlight the difference between the rain forest and needle leaved forest.
Q2. Answer the following (20 + 15 + 15 marks)
Discuss the difference in the channel pattern between the Ganga and Cauvery river.
What are the factors causing bending of isotherms? Discuss the hemispherical and season contrast in it.
What are different types of Coral reefs? Why their is a need to explain the origin of Coral reefs formation? .
Q3. Answer the following (20 + 15 + 15 marks)
a. Airmass is intimately related with pressure belts. Discuss the influence of airmass on weather phenomenon.
b. Discuss the major factors affecting distribution of plants and animals over the globe.
c. Highlight the reasons of river pollutions. Give your suggestions to reduce water pollution with special reference to India.
Q4. Answer the following questions.
(25+ 25 marks)
a. Present a reasoned account of environmental degradation over the globe. What are the reasons for the lower degradation in the rainforest?
b. Mountain orogeny has been a big challenge to the scientist through out the history and is clearly visible in the efforts they have made. Comment.
Q5. Answer the following in150 words each: 10 × 5 = 50 marks
a. Explain the concept of zero population growth with suitable example.
b. Rural villages have close proximity of land use according to their geographical positions. Comment.
c. Critically analyses the limits to growth model with special reference to India.
d. Regional planning in developing countries have to ignore the environmental issues. Do you agree?
e. "Sustainable development seems to be a mix of both myth and reality. Examine.
Q6. Answer the following. (20+15+15marks)
Most of the initial growth of weight loosing industry has followed the Weberian principle of location of Industries. Discuss with suitable examples.
Climate has played a very significant role in latitudinal variation in growth and development. Elaborate the statement in the context of North-South difference.
Growth pole and Growth centre as an strategy of area development program has failed to achieve its objective. Give suitable examples from India.
Q7. Answer the following (20+15+15marks)
What do you mean by system analysisin Geography? Discuss its utility in theory building.
Check the possible application of Central place theory presented by Christaler in modern day world..
Discuss various components of achieving food security. Give suggestions for its improvement in underdeveloped countries.
Q8. Answer the following. (25+25 marks)
Ageing of population(Geriatrics population) is an emerging challenge in many countries.
Regional disparity at global level is the biggest challenges faced by humanity as it has many negative consequences. Discuss
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